Workout of the day
Monday June 20, 2011
ANNOUNCEMENTS: A bunch of stuff for this coming week. First Wednesday is Sweat Band Day! Dave Kaplan and Joedy Hulings are getting married this weekend so in honor of their wedding we’re going to dress like Kaplan. That means sweatbands and short-shorts, yes males too 🙂 They usually make the 5:30PM class but feel free to show your support all day long!
Also we will be doing a Happy Hour at Maggie Smiths off of Arapahoe and Peoria around 6:30PM on Thursday (immediately following 5:30PM class). We will NOT have a 6:30PM class on Thursday.
Tough Mudder is this weekend, get excited! We have a big group going around 11am on Sunday so wish them luck or hurry and join in!
Last one, we will be placing an order soon from Steve’s Paleo Kits website. They have great beef jerky and paleo kits and krunch are perfect if you’re always on the go. Let us know if you’d like to join in on our order. We’ll plan on placing it late this week. Email to place your order. Check out all Steve has to offer:
Strength: Deadlifts 5x 40%, 5×50%, 5×60%
10-1 OHS (105/70)
10 Push ups
1-10 SDHP (105/70)