Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday August 24, 2011

I Love you guys! Everyone did an amazing job today with Fran!  Tons of PRs, tons of first timers and even got a Pukie out of John.  Everyone pushed hard, Great day. 

Update for the weekend….Amber has graciously offered to host the CO Open after party since she lives very close to Front Range CrossFit.  We will provide the pizza so BYOB and we’ll celebrate the completion of the CO Open and have a little fun.  Amber address is:
1778 South Jasmine
Denver, CO 80224
as usual call my cell if you have questions…512-784-4279

Strength: Push Press –  5 reps @ 65%, 75%, 85%

5 Rounds
200m Run
12 Power Cleans (165/110)

Lou loving the Thrusters!

Thruster…I hardly know herJen’s a Fran first timer…You ROCK! Jesse, another first timer. Great work!

Jenna getting out those last 9 pull ups…over a 1 min PR!Fran…the aftermath. Great job Rod! 

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