Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Class Schedule Additions!

We are adding some additional class and open gym times!  As always, let us know if a time not offered would work best for you.  As our box continues to grow we will keep adding more class times!

MWF 4:30PM
We will be starting this class on Monday August 29th.  As a trial we’ll run this Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to start.  We can look to running this M-F if attendance warrants. 

Open Gym M-F 11-NOON
Shannon will be holding Open Gym Mondays thru Fridays from 11AM to NOON.  You can come in then and get your daily WOD done or work skills and weaknesses.  This officially starts next Monday August 29th but she is holding Open Gym at 11 today and tomorrow as well.

Olympic Lifting/Strength Class – starting Sept 6
Who doesn’t need a little extra work and reps on their Olympic lifting and a chance to work some additional strength skills?  I know I definitely need the work! So we are opening an Olympic Lifting and Strength focused class.  For starters we will be holding this class in conjunction with the Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 PM class (we’ll split the gym up) starting on Tuesday Sept 6th.  This class will be limited to 5 people each class and we’ll have sign up procedures posted soon (first come first serve for each class).  If demand warrants we’ll open up a few more classes or increase the capacity based on demand.  This will NOT replace the strength training and olympic lifting we do during regular WODs.  This is all additional work and regular metcon programming will remain consistent to what we’ve been doing. 

If you have any comments or questions please let us know.  Feedback is always Welcome 🙂

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