Workout of the day

Workout of the day

STEVIA sweetener

John this one’s for you. I stand corrected. But remember… all things in moderation!

Another study looked at the postprandial effects of stevia, sucrose, and aspartame in human subjects. Compared to sucrose eaters, stevia eaters showed lower postprandial blood sugar levels. Compared to both sucrose and aspartame eaters, stevia eaters had far lower postprandial insulin levels. Furthermore, eating stevia did not induce increased appetite throughout the day, indicating stable blood sugar and satiety levels. Another strike in stevia’s favor.

For more on this article:

Is Stevia Safe, or Bad for You? Everything You Need to Know

I love this guy! Check out all the info on sugar, sweeteners, and the like. I could post it all but then I would be redundant (and perhaps not cover it as completely) as you can goto Mark’s Daily Apple for all the research!

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