Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday September 2, 2011

Reminder: 31 Heroes WOD on Saturday.  It’s a 31min AMRAP so come ready for a good long workout.  If you are able and planning on doing the rope climbs you might want to being some long socks.

Fight Gone Bad: Email us ( and let us know what time slot you’d like to sign up for.  Date is Sept 17 and we’ll do wods every 30 minutes from 9 to 12.

Strength: Deadlifts – 3×70%, 3×80%, 3 or more x 90%
4 Rounds
200m Run
15 Ball Slams
1 min squat hold (accumulate 1 min)

New Monthly Challenge!  Those who have re-tested their 2 min OHS…great work! Some good improvements!  For September the challenge will be to accumulate 1000 Hollow Body rocks. 

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