Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Oly/Strength and Referrals

So the updated schedule says there is an Oly/Strength class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30PM.  This is true but starting next week.  Apologize if this caused any confusion.  Early next week we will let you guys know how to get signed up for it as we are limiting the attendance for each class to start.  Remember this class is included in your membership fees!  We just want to offer an opportunity for people to really focus on Snatch, Clean and Jerk form as well as work some additional strength skills work. 

Speaking of Strength training, who watched that Atlas Stone workout this weekend?  Pretty cool huh? So we ordered a bunch of Atlas Stones for everyone to ‘play’ with.  They should be arriving in the next few weeks.  YAY!

Do you like free money and hanging out with your friends?  Chris Chin and Jeanne Reed do, they have both taken advantage of our referral bonus?  For every newbie you bring in that signs a memberhsip contract you’ll get $15 off your next months membership fees.  Plus you get to workout with more friends! A double win!

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