Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday February 2, 2012

6:30AM – There will be Open Gym Thursday from 6:30AM until 7:30AM.

CrossFit Open Sectionals – Seems like the website is still having issues allowing registration. When everything is up and the MHCF Team is created we’ll let y’all know.

Flight Simulator


Double Unders

*The rope must stop between each set of reps.  If the rope stops during a set (for instance during your set of 35, then start that set over.) For double under Master status, do the entire flight simulator unbroken. Yes that means if you mess up on your last set of 5, you must go to the very beginning and start over. 

**If you can not consistently do Double Unders this is your chance to work them. See how many you can accumulate.


3-3-3-1-1-1 Push/Split Jerk

*This is not shoulder to overhead…Jerk the bar meaning drop under it and then stand up with the bar locked overhead.  A knee dip into a Shoulder/Push Press is not what we are going for here 🙂


Here is a video demonstrating the difference between the Shoulder Press, Push Pres and Push Jerk. Notice how quickly the bar is locked out overhead on the Jerk.

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