Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

For those of you participating in the Games, 6 pm will be here soon enough, announcing our week 2 WOD! Remember, we don’t want to slack on our training and only perform one workout a week but still you want to maintain your back and your hands etc. When we program pull-ups don’t go to the point of ripping. When we program heavy deadlifts, don’t push to the point of jacking your form and putting yourself out of commission.

What weight do you start with when we program lifts with 3×3 or 5×5 or 1-1-1-1-1? You should be lifting a weight that is heavy for you, with each lift it should be a challenge to reach the number of reps suggested. So when we program 3-3-3 each set should be a challenge to reach. If you know your 1 rep max ability, you can usually figure out approximately what weight you could reasonably lift multiple times. If you have a max Front Squat of 145#, it is reasonable to assume you could easily FS 45# more than 20 reps, therefore, that would just be a quick warm up NOT one of your sets of 3. So maybe if my max were 145#, I would try 115# then 125# then push it at 140# for my 3rd set.

Hope that helps a little.

Strength: Front Squats


3 Rounds
Row 300 m
20 WB 20/14
10 Hand Release Push-ups

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