Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mile High CrossFit and WOD Ready are proud to help sponsor a local area DEA fundraiser event the Maltz Challenge.  The event will take place on Friday March 23rd from 1-4pm at the Broncos Training facility just about a mile from the gym on Broncos Parkway.  For more information and to register for the event please visit:

WOD Ready is a Denver-based company that provides custom fabricated equipment designed specifically to meet the needs of the Crossfit community. They’re constantly thinking of new products that they can beat, push, throw, and pull. If you can think it, they can build it, and it’ll be WOD Ready.


Dynamic Deadlifts 2-2-2-2-2-2 increase weight or resistence each set

5 Rounds
7 Dumbbell (or kettlebell) Squat Clean thrusters (35/25)
10 Pull Ups

(this is a Main Site WOD – Graham Holmberg got 3:29) – Please scale this WOD so it’s less than 7 minutes. Push hard, go unbroken!

After completing the WOD, head outside and run 800m with slam ball (50/35), not for time.

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