Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Schedule this Week

Okay lots of changes to the schedule this week so going to write everything out so there’s no confusion

Wednesday – Everything is normal

Thursday – Adding a 4:30PM class to accomodate 12.5. That means Open WOD 12.5 will be the WOD all day Thursday!

Friday – 5:30AM (if requested) at the gym.  No classes from 11-1PM or 4:30PM. Please come to the Bronco’s training facility to support and participate in the DEA event from 1-4PM.  5:30PM class on Friday eve for those who can’t make the DEA event.

Saturday – No class at MHCF.  We will be having work done inside MHCF (WOD Ready pull up structure going in!).  Please plan on making it down to our friends at CrossFit Castle Rock ( on Saturday from 8am til lunch time to support their event in rememberance of a local firefighter Jason Murphy who tragically lost his life.  Paleo Wagon will be there.

Sunday – 12.5 Make up during Open Gym. Time announced Saturday evening.

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