Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday, July 23, 2012

Everyone has been working very hard, lifting a lot of weight and moving quickly. Here is an iconic wod that many of us can remember “our first time doing filthy fifty”. The weights are do-able but the wod is still brutal. If the movements are not a challenge for you, doing 50 of each before moving on to the next exercise should prove challenging enough. I have been asked what a typical crossfit workout is… my response to that is that it is not about the exercises per se but the intensity with which we choose to put forth. So if a workout doesn’t seem to be a challenge for you because the weights are light or the movements simple be sure you are challenging yourself with your intensity and ROM and alway performing at your best.

I pulled this from MBS CrossFit’s website because it so aptly expresses what we try to convey:
Standards are important. Especially at a CrossFit gym. Paying a globo gym priced membership means you can go to a globo gym and meet whatever standard you choose. Here, you pay for coaches to guide, lead, and hold you to the standards we set. As coaches, we consider “RX” to be the ultimate standard for that workout on that day. If you choose to not meet that standard, it’s a choice, but your work will not be recognized as “RX’d.” If you happen to think you met that standard, and didn’t, we reserve the right to be your judge, and hold you, and every other athlete, in the gym to that standard. As athletes at our gym we expect YOU to value that standard and help each other out when things are looking sketchy.


“Filthy Fifty”
For time:
50 Box jump, 24/20
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (35 lbs)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45/35
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20/14 – 10′
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
2 x
10 GHD Wall Ball Sit-ups (10/6#)

10 Push-ups

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