Workout of the day
Wednesday October 16, 2013
LuRong WOD 6 today! Make sure you continue to log your scores and daily meals.
Strength: Shoulder Press – 5×5 @ 85%
LuRong WOD 6
100 Double Under Buy-in (100 singles for Lvls 2 and 1)
5 Rounds
10 Power Cleans (145/100) [Lvl 2: 125/85, Lvl 1: 75/55]
10 Ring Dips [Lvl 2: Hand Release Pushups, Lvl 1: Knee Hand Release Pushups]
*12 minute time cap
Cool Down:
4 Rounds
:15 Plank
:15 R Side Plank
:15 L Side Plank
:15 Superman