

Monday, December 7th, 2015


  1. Barski snatch(all from the hang positon) no straps are allowed. Do not put bar down. Work up to 75%x3x5 sets.
  2. Snatch deadlifts: work up t 100%x3m 100%+5 kg x 3, 100%x3+10 kg. make sure your form is the same form you use when cleaning. Take bar to launch positon then straight to the high hang position. Return the bar to the floor the same same path you got it up.
  3. Snatch push press+ohs+sotts press: 3+3+3 x 4 sets.
  4. Sit ups using a 5 kg plate behind head 5 x 5. Have someone hold your feet down over a bench. Plate behind head….sit up with elbows to knees.
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