

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016


  1. snatch: work up to 85%x1x5
  2. slow (tempo snatch pulls)….hit all these position going very slowly: floor (proper set ups)-1″above floor…..1″below knees…..1″above knees (make sure you do not go around the knees)…..mid thigh…..hit the down position (scoop, dbl knee bend….i call this the down…..then to the high hang.  repeat going down.  on the 3rd rep….hit the down and explode to the finish.  3 sets x 3 reps. choose the weight carefully.
  3. 50 total glute ham sit ups…..pause at the parallel position 1 sec….then up.  do not go all the way to floor. do these for 2-3 sets.
  4. back extensions….pause at the top….light weight.  3 x 10.
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