Wednesday, April 11th, 2018
1. Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch + Snatch Balance (1+1+1) x 5. Stay light and just work speed and have fun with a new complex!
2. 3 sets of:
Jumping Box Squats x 5-7. I want these to be super explosive. Go heavy, but pick a weight where you can drive up hard!
rest 60 sec
Landmine Rows x 10 each arm.
rest 2 min
3. 3 sets of:
Back Rack Bulgarian Split Squats x 5 each leg. Try and add a little weight on these.
rest 60 sec
Push Ups with bumper plates on back x 5-10. Go as heavy as possible.
rest 2 min
4. 3 sets of:
Weighted Plank x 60-75 sec
rest 60 sec
Weighted Back Extension x 15 reps
rest 2 min