Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019
Zotts Press: 4×3
Pause Snatch Balance: 5×3 (pause for 3 seconds at the bottom)
Rack Jerk or Jerk Off Blocks: 3×3,2×2,3×1. Build to a heavy
Sumo Deadlift with no shoes: 3×10
Strict Toes to Bar x 25 total
Zotts Press: 4×3
Pause Snatch Balance: 5×3 (pause for 3 seconds at the bottom)
Rack Jerk or Jerk Off Blocks: 3×3,2×2,3×1. Build to a heavy
Sumo Deadlift with no shoes: 3×10
Strict Toes to Bar x 25 total