Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, November 17th, 2021

Coach led warm up

Foam roll


20 Jumping Jacks

10 Pulls on the rower (Easy pace)

20 Mountain Climbers

10 Pulls on the rower (18-20 Strokes per minute pace)

20 Skier Jacks

10 Pulls on the rower (22-24 Strokes per minute pace)

10 single ring rows

10 Pulls on the rower (26-30 Strokes per minute pace)

5 Pull-to-Stand on Rope

10 Pulls on the rower (35-40+ Strokes per minute



5 Rounds For Calories


3 Rope Climbs (mod: 1:00 practice, 3 foot hold pullup, or 3 from floor)

Max Calorie Row

– Rest 3:00 between rounds

Post total calories rowed to wodify and whiteboard


2 Sets:

:30 Wrist Extension Stretch / Arm

:30 Bicep Lacrosse Ball Roll / Arm

Extra credit

Practice Session

*light and focus on technique and depth, Increase load if proficient

EMOM 10:

2 DB Overhead Squats / ea. Arm (mod: bench, ball, press in snatch to stand w/ PVC)

– Rest 1:00

EMOM 10:

1 DB Turkish Get-up / ea. Arm

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