Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021

Coach led warm up 

PVC warm up and stretches 


Barbell warm up


10 min to find:

1 rep max Clean and jerk 

Then, right into


15 min amrap of:

3 weighted pull-ups(35/25)

5 strict pull-ups

7 kipping pull-ups

For weighted pull-ups, place a dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles and jettison the dumbbell after the third rep. Then continue with strict pull-ups and kipping pull-ups.

*RX+ = unbroken sets

*Rx = movements rx not unbroken

Mod: = 3 banded strict, 5 supine ring row, 7 kipping swing practice

Post 1RM, and rounds + reps to Wodify and whiteboard

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