Workout of the day
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021
Coach led warm up
Lacrosse ball mobility
5 min amrap of:
10 pike push up to cobra
10 lateral lunges
10 pause superman ext. (:03 seconds)
For time:
12 strict handstand push-ups (mod: stack, or box)
1-minute L-sit (use rings, paraletts, or boxes) (mod: knee tuck hold)
24 alt DB hang snatch (50/35)
9 strict handstand push-ups
1-minute L-hang
18 alt. DB hang snatch
6 strict handstand push-ups
1-minute L-sit
12 alt DB hang snatch
3 strict handstand push-ups
1-minute L-hang
6 at DB hang snatch
(18 min cap)
Post time to Wodify and whiteboard