Workout of the day
Friday, April 1st, 2022
Coach Led Warm Up
Hip Flow
– 5 Kang Squats
-5/5 Squat Rotations
-5/5 seated 90/90 rotations
-3/3 90/90 rotation with glute stretch and external rotation
-3/3 Samson Lunge
2 Sets
200m Jog
1:00 Wall Sit
10 Spiderman Lunges
w/ empty barbell
-12 Front Rack Openers
-10 FR Reverse Lunges
-8 Front Squats
5 Rounds For TIme:
-300m Run
-10 Front Squats
15 Minute Time Cap
*nothing flashy here… just a good test of work capacity
In the rest of class time complete
3-4 Sets
-8/8 DB Bulgarian Split Squats (3 count on the way down)
-:20/:20 Copenhagen Plank
-10/10 KB Hip Flexor Raises
* no need to get super heavy on any of this, focus on controlling everything. Goal here is to build more resilient hips.
Post Wod
:30 each – Banded 3 way Hamstring Complex
1:00 Banded Quad Stretch
:30 Wall Calf Stretch