Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday, March 7th, 2022

REMINDER: Those of you who have signed up for the worldwide open make sure to get scores in by 5:00pm on Monday. Those of you singed up for intramural open make sure to get all the challenges done and emailed or posted before Monday night as well. Thank you all

Coach led warm up

Box stretches w/ band


3 sets:

:30 Bike (legs, arms, both)

8 Samson Stretch

8 Jump Lunges

8 Step Ups



25/18 Calorie bike

25 GHD or Weighted Sit-ups (30/20)

15 Box Jumps (30/24”)

Post rounds and reps to Wodify and Whiteboard

Extra credit

5 sets:

:30 handstand hold (work on free standing)

*Rest as needed between sets


3 Sets:

:30 Coach Stretch / ea. Side

:30 Calf Stretch / ea. Side

:30 ATY Drill (no weight)

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