Saturday, August 25th, 2018
1. Snatch: Work up to 80% and hit for 3 singles. 2. Clean and jerk: Work up to 80% and hit for 2 singles. 3. Front Squat: Work up to a heavy single for the day in 5 sets or less 4. Back and Abs of choice
Friday, August 24th, 2018
1. Pause Snatch Balance: 4×3. Stay lighter on these and work speed and perfect bottom position. 2. Close Grip Snatches (slightly wider than clean grip): 4×3. Stay light and work on feeling the aggressive pull under. 3. Box Squats: 3×10 4. Snatch Pull: 3×3 5. 3 sets: Hollow Hold or Tuck Hold: 3×45 sec Barbell […]
Wednesday, august 22nd, 2018
1. Power Snatch: 3,2,2,1,1. Keep it relatively light and snappy. 2. Power Clean + Jerk: (1+1) x 4 working sets. 3. Back Squat: 5,3,1,5,3,1. Work up and then back down and then back up. 4. 3 sets: Strict DB High Pull x 10 DB incline bench x 10 Push ups x 10 Single Arm DB […]