Wednesday, August 1st, 2018
1. Muscle Snatch: Work up to a heavy single. 2. Snatch High Pull+ Power Snatch: (2+2) x 2, (2+1) x 2, (1+1) x 2. Move up in weight each set and hit a challenging weight. 3. Back Squat: 10,8,6,4,6,8,10 4. 3 sets: Strict L sit pull up x 5-10 Push ups on rings x 10 […]
Tuesday, July 31st, 2018
1. DB hammer curl into strict press while in a jerk Split Position: 5×7 reps 2. Clean + Front Squat+ Push Press+ Push Jerk+ Jerk: (1+1+1+1+1) x 5 3. Clean Deadlift at 2” deficit + Shrugs (3+3)x 5. Try and go a little heavier than last week. 4. 3 sets: 1 arm DB Weighted Sit […]
Monday, July 30th, 2018
Week 5 1. Muscle Snatch + Pause OHS (3 sec pause) + Tall Snatch (flat footed) + Zotts Press: (3+3+3+3) x 3 2. Pause Snatch Balance + Snatch Balance: (2+1) x 5. Move up in weight each set. Pause for 3 seconds at the bottom. 3. Snatch to 2” squat + Snatch to Parallel […]
Saturday, July 28th, 2018
1. Snatch: Work up to 80% and hit for 3 singles. 2. Clean and jerk: Work up to 80% and hit for 2 singles. 3. Front Squat: Work up to a heavy single for the day in 5 sets or less 4. Back and Abs of choice