Monday, Feb 12th, 2018
1. Snatch push press+ OHS + Snatch Balance (1+1+1) x5sets @ 65%% of best snatch. 2. Power Snatch: 5×3 work up to a medium weight throughout the 5 sets. Keep these snappy and fast! 3. Pause Back Squat + Back Squat (1+1) x 5. Work up in weight each set. Work up to a heavy […]
Sunday, Feb 11th, 2018
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Saturday, Feb 10th, 2018
1. Heavy snatch FOR THE DAY 2. Heavy clean and jerk FOR THE DAY 3. Heavy Front Squat: Build to a heavy single in no more than 5 sets. 4. 3 Sets: Front Rack Lunge with Front Foot on 3” riser x 10 each leg. All 10 reps on right leg before switching to left. […]
Friday, Feb 9th, 2018
1. Split Jerk with Dumbbells+ DB Press in split: (5+10)x 3. Use this as a warm up to work stabilization and balance. Palms facing each other. 2. Push Press: 3×5. Establish a medium heavy weight and hit for all three sets of five. 3. Clean Pull+ Power clean+ Jerk (1+1+1+1) x 5. Work up in […]