Wednesday, October 14th, 2015
Warm Up: CrossOver Symmetry: Iron Scap WOD Every 2 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-2:00 2 rope climbs 2 front squats 185/125From 2:00-4:00 2 rope climbs 4 front squats 185/125From 4:00-6:00 2 rope climbs 6 front squats 185/125Continue adding 2 reps to the front squat each interval for as long as you […]
Tuesday, October 13th, 2015
Strength:9 min EMO:902 TGU, one ea side, work up weight each min WOD: Burpee + back-squat ladder 185/125Rest 3 minutesBurpee + shoulder-press ladder 115/75Rest 3 minutes Burpee + deadlift ladder 245/175 For the ladder pattern, perform 1 rep of each exercise the first minute, 2 reps of each the second minute, 3 reps of each […]
Monday, October 12th, 2015
WOD: “Elizabeth”21-15-9 reps for time of:Cleans 135/95Ring dips *This is a testing WOD, so let’s go hard and try to beat your old time! Conditioning:Death by 20m sprints Cool Down:50 Hammer Time
Saturday, October 10th, 2015
Partner WOD for time: Buy In: 400m sled push, switch every 100m Then… 100 DU ea (300 Singles) 100 Wall ball, switch every 10, 20/14# 50 DU ea (150 Singles) 50 Pull Ups, switch every 5 25 DU ea (75 Singles) 25 Syncro deadlift 175/115# Cash out: 3 mile Airdyne, switch every .5 mile