Friday, September 4th, 2015
Monday, September 7th is LABOR DAY… come join us for a WOD at 9:00 AM… this will be the ONLY class time for the day!! Warm-up5 MinutesEvery 15 secondsPushupsSquatsPlankMnt Climbers WOD For time:25 walking lunges20 ring rows50 box jumps, 20-inch box20 double-unders25 ring dips20 knees-to-elbows30 kettlebell swings, 2 pood30 sit-ups20 hang squat cleans, 35-lb. dumbbells25 […]
Friday, September 4th, 2015
Monday, September 7th is LABOR DAY… come join us for a WOD at 9:00 AM… this will be the ONLY class time for the day!! Warm-up5 MinutesEvery 15 secondsPushupsSquatsPlankMnt Climbers WOD For time:25 walking lunges20 ring rows50 box jumps, 20-inch box20 double-unders25 ring dips20 knees-to-elbows30 kettlebell swings, 2 pood30 sit-ups20 hang squat cleans, 35-lb. dumbbells25 […]
Thursday, September3rd, 2015
LABOR DAY – Monday, September 7th! We will have our WOD at 9 AM ONLY!! Warm-up: Spend 10 Minutes building weight for DL WOD15-12-9-6 reps for time of:Deadlifts (245/175)C2B Pull-ups Cool Down: 100 M Prowler PushStretch
Thursday, September3rd, 2015
LABOR DAY – Monday, September 7th! We will have our WOD at 9 AM ONLY!! Warm-up: Spend 10 Minutes building weight for DL WOD15-12-9-6 reps for time of:Deadlifts (245/175)C2B Pull-ups Cool Down: 100 M Prowler PushStretch
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015
Conditioning:3 Rounds250 M Row7 OHS (95/65) Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:70-lb./53-lb. dumbbell or kettlebell snatches, 10 reps (5 each arm)20 box jumps, 24-inch box/20-inch box Cool Down: 30 Weighted Situps