Friday November 14, 2014
Strength/Skill: 3 Rounds NOT for time20 GHD Situps OR Weighted Situps10 Bent Over Barball Rows (you choose weight) WODFor time:9 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Jerk (135/95)8 HSC + 2 Jerk7 HSC + 3 Jerk6 HSC + 4 Jerk5 HSC + 5 Jerk4 HSC + 6 Jerk3 HSC + 7 Jerk2 HSC + 8 Jerk1 HSC […]
Thursday November 13, 2014
Strength/Skill: EMOM 10 – 2 Snatch Balance (medium weight, work on speed under the bar) WODFor time:25 OHS (135/95)75 Double Unders25 Cal Row75 Double Unders25 OHS (135/95)
Thursday November 13, 2014
Strength/Skill: EMOM 10 – 2 Snatch Balance (medium weight, work on speed under the bar) WODFor time:25 OHS (135/95)75 Double Unders25 Cal Row75 Double Unders25 OHS (135/95)
Wednesday November 12, 2014
Strength: Deadlift – work up to a daily 1RM with perfect form WOD4 Rounds10 Deadlifts (245/175)10 T2B10 Push Press (115/80)10 KBS (70/53)
Wednesday November 12, 2014
Strength: Deadlift – work up to a daily 1RM with perfect form WOD4 Rounds10 Deadlifts (245/175)10 T2B10 Push Press (115/80)10 KBS (70/53)