Tuesday, October 28th
WOD With a continuously running clock complete 5 thrusters every minute. From 0:00-5:00 use 75 lb/55 lb From 5:00-10:00 use 95 lb/65 lb From 10:00-15:00 use 115 lb/75 lb Continue adding 20 lb/10 lb every 5 minutes for as long as you are able. Cool Down: Tabata: Plank Holds (8 rounds :20/:10)
STRENGTH: Push jerk 3-3-3-3-3 reps (15 – 20 Minutes) Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:10 burpee box jumps, 20 inches155-lb/105-lb. squat cleans, 10 reps Cool Down: Group Stretch/Mobility
Saturday, October 25th
“Dirty Thirty” For time:30 box jumps, 30/24 inch box30 chest-to-bar pull-ups30 kettlebell swings, 2/1.5 pood30 walking lunges with 95/65 barbell 30 knees-to-elbows30 push presses, 95/6530 hip extensions, holding a 25/15-lb. plate30 wall ball shots, 20/14lb. ball to 11-foot target30 burpees30 triple-unders (mod 60 double unders or 120 singles)
Friday, October 24th
Endurance: 500m Row, Rest 1, 300m Row, Rest 1, 100m Row WOD 5 Rounds: PCL: 7 (155/105) OHS: 12 (155/105) Cool Down: 5 Rounds 3-5 Strict T2B 5 Barbell Good Mornings
Thursday, October 23rd
Strength: 10min OTM 3rep heavy Thruster (cycle all reps) WOD AMRAP 8 3-6-9-12… of:Power Snatch (115/75), competitors (135/95)Calorie RowContinue pattern, adding 3 reps each round, until time is called.Score is rounds completed, plus repetitions. Cool Down: Tabata: HS Holds for 2 minutes and Plank holds for 2 minutes