OPEN GYM TIME: today is changed to 9 AM – 10:30 AM
Saturday, October 10th
Strength: Partner Tire Flips/Jump throughs – flip 5 x run to stop sign and back while partner flips 5 x then runs to stop sign and back (20 total tire flips out and 20 total tire flips back – so each person is doing 2 rounds out and 2 rounds back) WOD Row 1000 […]
Friday, October 10th
Strength: 5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1 Squat Clean & Jerk spend 15 – 20 Minutes reaching 1 RM 21-15-9 Pistols (alternating legs) Pull-ups Cool-down: 100ft lunges 30 Sit-ups
Thursday, October 9th
If it is too cold, we will row instead of run!!! So do not cherry pick this wod!!! Have a great day!!! Skill/Strength: 5 Push-ups + 5 Pull-ups OTM for 10 Minutes WOD 3 Rounds 400 M Run (or Row 500 M) 21 SDHP (75/55) 12 Burpees over bar Cool Down: Row 500 […]
Thursday, October 9th
If it is too cold, we will row instead of run!!! So do not cherry pick this wod!!! Have a great day!!! Skill/Strength: 5 Push-ups + 5 Pull-ups OTM for 10 Minutes WOD 3 Rounds 400 M Run (or Row 500 M) 21 SDHP (75/55) 12 Burpees over bar Cool Down: Row 500 […]