Friday, June 27th
Strength: Farmers Walk: 250M for time WOD “Nancy” 5 Rounds Run 400 M 15 OHS (95/65)
Thursday, June 26th
Strength: Spend 10 Minutes working on lifts for wod, build up to heavy weight 20 Minute AMRAP Deadlift + Squat Clean + Front Squat + Push Jerk (185/120) ** Competitor weight (225/155) Cool Down: 3 Rounds for completion 20 GHD Situps20 GHD Back Extensions
Wednesday, June 25th July’s meat delivery will be Thursday July 17th at 11:45 amORDER DEADLINE FOR JULY DELIVERY IS: Thursday July 10th at Midnight Strength: For 10 Minutes Butcher High Push Burpee WOD Run: 800 M Burpee Pull Up (C2B) Ring Dip For Time Cool Down Sled Drag 250 M
Tuesday, June 24th
I know some of you may or may not have cherry picked Monday’s WOD… Here is what you have to look forward to for Tuesday 😉 Skill: HSPU/Pull-ups WOD RunWall Balls (20/14)Ball Slams (30/20)
Monday, June 23rd
OTM 10 MinutesSwing: 12 (#124/#88 – heavy) WOD Row: 1000M Then 5 Rounds25 Pull Ups 7 Push Jerk (#135/#85) Cool Down:3 Rounds15 GHD Sit-up15 GHD H&B Ext