Tuesday April 8, 2014
Strength/Skill: Back Squats & HSPUs WOD3 Rounds50 Wall Ball (20/14)10 Power Clean and Jerk (155/105) *Competitors (185/120)
Monday April 7, 2014
CORNERPOST MEATS: April’s meat delivery will be Thursday April 17th at 11:45 – 12:30 pm Please note: The order deadline has changed in an effort to allow them enough time to pull all the meat for the upcoming week. Orders must be received prior to THURSDAY, APRIL 10th at midnight. www.cornerpostmeats.com Strength: Squat Clean and Jerk WOD 1000m […]
Saturday April 5th: 9 am class
CORNERPOST MEATS: April’s meat delivery will be Thursday April 17th at 11:45 – 12:30 pm Please note: The order deadline has changed in an effort to allow them enough time to pull all the meat for the upcoming week. Orders must be received prior to THURSDAY, APRIL 10th at midnight. www.cornerpostmeats.com Saturday Partner WOD at 9AM! 15 […]
Friday April 4, 2014
Reminder: 9AM Class is back this Saturday!! Strength: Front Squats & Push Press WOD2 Rounds50 Double Unders 25 HSPU20 Toes to Bar15 Shoulder to Overhead with Fat Bar (130/90)45ft Front Rack Walking Lunges with Fat Bar (130/90) *20 minute time cap
Thursday April 3, 2014
Reminder: MHCF Happy Hour is TODAY to celebrate the 2014 Open!!! Come out around 6PM at the Brick House Tavern, Parker Rd and 470. 6:30PM class is cancelled for today!http://brickhousetavernandtap.com/locations/parker-colorado/ Strength/Skill: Pullup/Dip Complex (Neutral, wide, narrow, chinup, alt grip, alt grip) WOD5 Rounds 3 minute AMRAP3 Power Snatch (95/65)6 Pushups9 SquatsREST 1 minute