Tuesday February 25, 2014
Happy Tuesday! Reminder that the CrossFit Open is upon us, we will do the WODs on Fridays with Friday evening being the big game time! We’ll open doors at 4PM on Friday and run heats depending on what the WOD is. You do not have to be doing the Open to come, workout and cheer […]
Monday, February 24th
Don’t foget the OPEN starts this week, get signed up!!! games.crossfit.com Strength: Squat Clean WODOpen 11.4 Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of: 60 Burpees (Bar Facing)30 Overhead Squats (120/90 lbs)10 Muscle Ups Mod: 3 C2B pullups and 3 ring dips for each MU
Saturday February 22, 2014
9AM Partner WOD Partner WOD42-30-18Deadlifts (225/155)PullupsThrusters (95/65) *1 person works at a time, split reps as necessary
Friday February 21, 2014
Strength: Front Squats WOD“The Chief”5 Rounds3 minute AMRAPs of:3 Power Cleans (135/95)6 Pushups9 Air SquatsREST 1 minute between 3 minute cycles