Saturday, November 2nd
10 AM CLASS Don’t worry, if you competed in the Monster Mash adjustments will be made to the WOD! Partner WOD WOD 5 Monster Mash Variation For Time: 10 HSPU (Wall Walks modification) 10 Ball Slam Get-ups (30/20) 15 Thrusters (95/65) 30 Double Unders 100m Unstable Yoke Carry (100#) Partner 1 (Male front rack, female […]
Friday, November 1st
Strength: 5×3 @ 90% Deadlift LuRong WOD 9 100 Burpees 100 KBS **12 min cap Cool Down: 3 Rounds 10 GHD 10 Hip Extension
Thursday, October 31st
WOD 20 Minute AMRAP go as heavy as possible Cycle as many times as possible: Deadlift Squat Clean Front Squat Push Jerk Cool Down: 5 Minutes of Row 200 M / 10 Push-ups
Wednesday, October 30th
We were going to do LuRong but since we just did a ton of WB today, it was kindly suggested we do not make everyone do more WB! Although, after the weight we did today, I am sure you would all appreciate the weight. We will hit the final 2 LuRong WODs next week. So […]
Tuesday, October 29th
Skill/Strength: 12 Wall Ball OTM for 10 Minutes (30/20#) 10’ Height WOD “Nate” 20 Minute AMRAP 2 Muscle Ups (sub mu progression or 6 pull-ups + 6 ring dips) 4 HSPU 8 KBS (70/53) Cool Down: Tabata (8 Rounds 20 sec work, 10 sec rest) L-Sit paralletes