Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Strength: 5×5 at 70% Squat Snatch WOD10-1Push Jerk (135/95)Burpees*15 min time cap Cool Down:200m Run forwards, 200m Run backwards
Monday September 9, 2013
Happy Monday! Benchmark month continues. We’ll be doing 2 benchmarks a week, on Mondays and Fridays so we’ll go into mid October getting through them all. Remember to push hard and record any PRs on the brag board! Also, since we just re-maxed our lifts we started a new strength cycle last week that will […]
Saturday September 7, 2013
10AM Partner WOD! Partner WOD1-10 Thrusters (75/55)1-10 T2B1-10 25ft Shuttle Runs1-10 Dips *25 minute cap*Explanation before the WOD 🙂 11AM Comp Training!
Friday September 6, 2013
Skill: 12 minutes for Ring Muscle Ups progressions; for those with MUs, ‘Death by MUs’ WOD“Helen”3 RoundsRun 400m21 KB Swings (53/35)12 Pullups Cool Down:Row 400m (very slowly)
Thursday September 5, 2013
Strength: 5×5 Deadlifts WOD8 minute AMRAP5 Power Cleans (155/105)25 Double Unders10 Pushups Cool Down:15 GHD Situps15 Hip Extensions