Thursday, July 18th
WOD 1 Round “BULL” 200 DU 50 OHS (135/95) 50 Pull-ups 1 Mile Run 22 Minute Time Cap to head out the door for Run Cool Down: Mobility
Wednesday, July 17th
Strength: 7 Minutes to complete : 5 x 3 @ 90% Hang Clean WOD 4 Rounds 5 Atlas Stone floor to shoulder 10 Burpees Cool Down: 7 Minute EMOTM 10 Heavy Russian KB Swings
Tuesday, July 16th
Strength: EMOTM 5 Minutes 3 Deadlifts @ 90% WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet: Chest-to-bar pull-upBox jump, 30/24 inch boxGHD sit-up or weighted sit-up Cool Down: Prowler Push 3 x 100 M
Monday, July 15th
We all LOVE our dogs and love bringing them with us to WOD. If you do and they do their business in the yard (or anywhere), please pick up after them! The landlord maintains the yard and is finding more and more doggie poos. He has graciously permitted dogs on the property, which was not […]