Saturday June 22, 2013
Partner WOD at 10! Competitor training at 11 Borrowed this from our friends at Alpine CrossFit 🙂 Workout of the Day Partner WOD 7min AMRAP Max tire flips while teammate runs 250m Rest 3min then Partner WOD #2 7min AMRAP Max rep Wall Balls 20/16 while teammate Rows 300m Rest 3min then Partner WOD #3 […]
Friday June 21, 2013
Happy Summer Solstice! Longest day of sunlight of the year 🙂 Strength: 5×3 Shoulder Press at 85%, 1 lift every 90 seconds, complete 30 Double Unders in the time remaining WOD3 Rounds200m Run15 Hang Squat Snatch (115/80)7 Muscle Ups (sub MU progressions or Ring Rows and Dips, 2 for each MU)*17 Minute Cap Cool Down:500m […]
Thursday June 20, 2013
Happy Hour tonight at Maggie Smiths at 6PM! WOD1000m Row30 Wall Balls (20/14)500m Row30 Slam Balls (50/30)250m Row30 Deadlifts (135/95) Cool Down: 50’ Walking Lunges 50’ Inchworm Push Ups 50’ Walking Lunges
Wednesday June 19, 2013
Happy Hour Thursday the 20th at 6PM at Maggie Smiths off Arapahoe just West of the gym (by Einsten’s Bagel and Chipotle). We’ll still have the 530PM class. Strength: 10 minutes, Perform 1 rep at the top of every even minute 5×3 Deadlifts at 85%, perform 10 Hand release Push Ups at the top of […]
Tuesday June 18, 2013
Strength: 5×3 Squat Snatch at 85% WODLegends Comp WOD #1 You will do this WOD 3 times, starting at the beginning each time. Time intervals are:90 Seconds, 30 seconds rest, 3 minutes, 1 minute rest, the for time. Record your total reps for the first 2 times and total time for the last round.10 Power […]