Thursday, February 21st
Complex: Front Squat + Push Jerk + Front Squat + Split JerkTake from rack. No Thrusters. 15 Minutes to work up to a heavy set. 5 Rounds5 Power Cleans (155/110)10 KB Thrusters (53/35) Cool Down:Shoulder Mobility orSquat Mobility
Wednesday, February 20th
Strength:5×5 Fat Bar Deadlifts (no reverse grip) 15 Minute AMRAP5 Deadlift (185/135)10 Pistols5 HSPU Cool-down10 Back Extensions10 Knees to Elbows
Tuesday, February 19th
Strength: EMOTM 5 Minutes2 Power Cleans (heavy) + lateral jumps for remaining time 10…1KB Swings (70/53)Power Snatch (95/65)10 Jumping Squats Cool Down:Backwards Tabata 4 Rounds 10 Seconds work 20 Seconds restPushup holdSquat hold
Monday, February 18th
Normal class schedule today!! Have had a few of you ask… enjoy your day off and if you still want to come to the early classes, we will be there!!! (5:30 AM, 6:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 4:30 PM, 5:30 PM, 6:30 PM CLASSES) StrengthEMOTM for 7 minutes2 Heavy Back Squats + 10 Air Squats 7 […]