Thursday, December 19th
Strength:OHS 5×5 WOD21-15-9-15-21Thrusters (75/55)Pull-ups Cool Down:3×10 GHD Situps20 Double Unders
Wednesday, December 19th
Check the website, check facebook, text 720-280-0196 if there is any doubt that we will be holding class due to the possible snow predicted. WOD 10…1Power Cleans (155/100)Wall Balls (20/14)KB Swings (53/35) Cool Down:2 x15 Jumping Squats15 Hollow Body Rocks
Tuesday, December 18th
STRENGTH: Snatch: 5 x 5 WOD 2 minutes ME Burpee *Rest 2 minutes.4 minutes AMRAP of:20 SDHP (95/65)10 Ring Dips*Rest 2 minutes.2 minutes ME Burpees COOL DOWN:3 x 30 UB Situps – rest 60 seconds
Monday, December 17th
Strength:Front Squats:1) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 75% -rest 1 minute 2) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 80% -rest 1 minute 3) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 85% WOD12 Minute AMRAP 15 Deadlifts (155/105)15 Deficit Push-ups (hands […]
Sunday Open Gym 12:30 – 2:00PM
For anyone interested in some great fight shorts to WOD in (both guys and gals) with the MHCF logo on the leg, check out Once you find a style you like, tell Jon Moffitt the style you want and the size. The price will be $5 less than what’s on the clinch gear website […]