Saturday June 23, 2012
Partner WOD 1 Person works at a time 7min AMRAP7 Wall Balls (20/14) – 10ft 50m Run 2min REST 7min AMRAP6 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)75m Row 2min REST 7min AMRAP5 Burpees50m Run
Friday June 22, 2012
Good luck Jake! As always, it was great to have you around the box while you were in town. We’ll see you again in December! WOD Skill Work:4 Muscle Ups (or 4 MU progressions or 3 burpee pullups & 3 ring dips) every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 5 minutes Then… EMOM for 10 […]
Thursday June 21, 2012
WOD Strength: Deadlifts 5-5-5-10 For time:21-15-9Overhead Squats (135/95)Toes 2 Bar
Wednesday June 20, 2012
WOD Skill Work:Turkish Get-ups Then… 15 minute AMRAP5 Bear Complex (115/80)Run 250m*You must touch-and-go the power cleans to go directly into the next Complex. If you must rest the bar on the ground, it is a 5 burpee penalty.