Workout of the day

CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Friday, September 9th

Strength: Shoulder Press 5 x 75% 3 x 85% 1 or more x 95%   For Time: 25 Walking lunge steps20 Pull-ups50 Box jumps, 20 inch box20 Double-unders25 Ring dips20 Knees to elbows30 Kettlebell swings, (70/53)30 Sit-ups20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbbells25 Goodmornings (45#)30 Wall ball shots, (20/14)3 Rope climb ascents (15:1 Towel Pull-ups) […]

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Thursday, September 8th

I know that I for one, need more work on the power snatch, squat snatch, hang snatch, so my thought for this was that this work out is a hero wod (in honor of labor day, in case you missed a labor day hero wod) and this gives us all a few reps of power […]

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Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

WOD 2 minutes max box jumps THEN: 15-12-9-6-3 Power Cleans (135/95) Bar Facing Burpees 

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Tuesday Sept 6. Oly/Strength Class 6:30PM

To sign up for class, please email  First 5 members who email are in.  We’ll post when it’s full and reply to let you know if you’re in or not.  Hope to have an interactive sign up process soon. Thanks!

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Tuesday, September 6th

Strength: OHS 5 x 75% 3 x 85% 1 x 95% THEN: 2 minute Handstand Hold cumulative hold for 2 minutes, every time you drop out of the handstand, run 200M THEN: 7 Rounds 10 Thrusters (75/55) 10 SDHP (75/55) 

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