Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, April 28th 2023


200m w/ PVC overhead

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – Foam roller, wall

:45 foam roll quads / side

:45 foam roll lats / side

:45 T-spine extension on roller

5/5 dead bugs w/ roller pinned b/t non-working arm and leg

8 seated shoulder flexion (legs in butterfly)

4/4 cossack squats w/ overhead reach, :03 pause each rep

:15 single leg RDL iso hold / side

:15 single leg RDL iso hold w/ eyes closed / side 10 wall facing scap HS pushups 2x :10 wall facing HS hold shifting weight to one arm / side


:10 Overhead squat iso hold as deep as possible (empty barbell, training bar or PVC)

:20 rest b/t


EMOM x 8

2 OHS or Front Squat (From Floor)

*Choose which one you want to work on more.

*start moderate and build a little bit. Don’t build to a 2 rep max. Looking to move well over get heavy


For Time


15 Shoulder to OH @ 135/95

15 TTB

after 2x

250m/200m Row

:60 rest


15 Front Squats

15 Bar Facing Burpees

after 2x

250m/200m Row

:60 rest

15 Thrusters

SCALING Barbell needs to be a weight that you’re breaking no more than 1 time each set

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