Workout of the day
Friday, August 16th 2024
WARM UP – box, barbell
20 box step-ups
15 air squats
10 barbell good mornings
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – box, light band
:30 seated piriformis stretch / side
:30 deep lunge stretch on box / side
:30 Box Pigeon
*grab light band
10/10 standing banded kickbacks
10/10 lateral glute kickouts
10/10 lateral leg swings / side
10/10 leg swings forward/backward / side
:30 rig assisted deep squat
8/8 banded thoracic rotation
:30 hollow hold
:20 superman hold
PRIMER – bb, box
8 box jumps
8 jumping back squats
Every 2:30 x 5 (12.5mins)
3 Back Squat @ around 80%
NOTES All 5 sets to be moderately heavy, shouldn’t be building much.
AMRAP – 10
10 Thruster @ 95/65
10 Box Jump overs @ 24/20″
nice and slow down on the box while being a little more aggressive on the barbell.
Thrusters need to be a weight you can go unbroken for the first couple sets.
(optional) Core Work
5 barbell roll outs
15 ab mat sit ups
*no rest b/t