Workout of the day
Friday, August 2nd 2024
WARM UP – rower
24/18 cal row
3 Rope Ground to Standings
6 back squats
6 front squats
4/4 back rack reverse lunges
:30 child’s pose on barbell
:20 passive bottom squat
8/8 Fire Hydrants
6/6 Figure 4 Rotations
5/5 Side Plank Rotations
5/5 SL Glute Bridge
:20 Star Plank/Side
5 1 1/4 Front Squats
5 Pause Front Squats
Every 2:30 x 3 Sets
5 Reps @ 65%
3 Reps @ 75%
3+ Reps @ 85%
*like last week, looking for max reps on the last set. Need to get at least 3 reps, anything over 8 and the weight is probably a little light.
*first two sets are extended warm up, really push the final set
For Time
18/14 cal row
14 Air Squats
2 Rope Climbs (Rx+3 Rope Climbs)
*24min CAP
NOTES Time CAP will be tight if you are not effcient at rope climbs. 3 minutes to finish a round. Scale to 1 rep if needed.
MODIFY 2 Rope Climbs -2 1/2 reps – 1 rep OR 3 rope get ups