Workout of the day
Friday, December 29th 2023
WARM UP – rope, rower, DB
15 Heal to Toe Rocks
:30 Calf Stretch on Wall
60 Sinlge Unders (double unders round 2 if you have them)
15/12 cal bike
6 SA Devils Press
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – w/light plates
-10 Bent over flys
:20 Arm Cirlces (frwd)
-10 Lateral Raises
:20 Arm Cirlces (bkwds)
*grab moderate DB
50′ single overhead DB walk / side
12 DB snatches
:30 dead hang
2 Wall Walks w/ :10 hold at top (stay nice and long)
E2M x 4
12 Barbell Strict Press @ moderate load (these will fatigue quickly)
12 DB high pulls @ moderate load
1-2min transition
E2M x 4
12 DB front raise (nice and controlled)
12 Ring Rows – elevate feet if needed, make these hard
NOTES Upper body strength ACC day. Remember looking for control over load on these day. Time under tension is the key.
5 Rounds For Time:
10 Power Snatch @ 75/55# (Rx+95/65)
15 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20″
10 Pull-ups (Rx+C2B)
after 5x
right into
15 Wall Walks
*grip management will play a big factor in the first part. Big set of wall walks at the end, try and avoid big rests here and keep moving.