Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, February 17th 2023


AMRAP x 5 Min

-10 Cal Row

-10 Goblet Squats w/ Wallball

-10 Ring Rows + :10 Ring Support


5 Wallballs

5 Kip Swings

5 Wallballs

5 Kipping Knees to Chest

5 Wallballs

5 T2B or T2Air


Barbell Clean Warm Up

Final Prep at Game Pace

8 Rower Pulls

5 T2B or Modification

5 Wallballs

3 Cleans @ workout weight

1-4 Muscle Ups or Pull-Ups


CrossFit Games Open 23.1 RX Score Reps

14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots
30 cleans
20 muscle-ups

F: 14lb ball to 9ft target, 95lb
M: 20lb ball to 10ft target, 135lb

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