Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, July 12th 2024

WARM UP – light DB

10 hang DB snatches

10 lateral burpees over DB

10 goblet squats

5/5 single DB single leg RDLs

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – mini squat band, barbell

*mini squat band just below knees

10/10 side plank clamshells

10 air squats w/ glute abduction

10 good mornings

:30 bottom squat w/ band

1:00 couch stretch / side

:30 wall hinge stretch

*grab barbell

:30 overhead trunk twists

10 front to back strict press

6 split jerk footwork from triple extension, no barbell

4 Split Jerks

2 Squat Cleans + 2 Front Squats

PRIMER – barbell


4 lateral burpees over bar + squat clean + front squat + jerk @ – first warm up weight


EMOM x 8

4 Lateral Burpee over bar

1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk @ 60% and building no higher than 75%


Every 2 Minutes x 2 Sets

1 Squat Clean and Jerk – singles @ 10-20# heavier than final set above


For Time:

60 Box Jump over + step down @ 24/20″

50 DB Snatch @ 50/35 (Rx+70/50)

40 Pull ups (Rx+Chest to Bar)

30 BBJO (24/20″)

*16 Minute Cap

NOTES Steady on the box, a couple break on the DB making sure to save some gas for the pull-ups. Everything you have on the BBJO.


40 Pull ups – 25 reps or 25 strict banded pull ups (expect some breaks, should be able to do 5+ each set to try and Rx)