Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, July 19th 2024

WARM UP – bike

15/12 cal bike slow

:20 rest

7/5 cal bike fast


1:00 calf stretch on wall / side

10-15 wall facing HS shoulder taps or :20 hold

:30 side lying quad stretch / side

8 calf raises w/ :05 pause at top

8 anterior tib raises w/ :05 pause at top

3 jefferson curls

6/6 BB single leg RDLs

5 ring rows + 5 lower ring rows + 5 lower ring rows

*grab barbell

10 Clean Grip Deads

6 Power Clean

4 Push Jerks

2 Clean and Jerks


For Time:

40/30 cal echo



50 Double Unders (Rx+75 DUs)

10 Strict PU (Rx+10 BMUs)

5 Power Clean + Jerks @ 185/135 (Rx+225/155)

*16min CAP

@ 20:00


400m Run

4-8-12 Wall Walk

*12min CAP

*add 2 times together to get score


1. Athletes need to start with conservative pace on echo bike. Strict PU will likely end in singles for most and thats OK. CJ % should be no higher than 80% of their 1RM but should be Heavy

2. Steady on run and try to save some for last set of 12