Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, July 26th 2024

WARM UP – bike, DB

20/16 cal bike + 100m suitcase carry


7/5 cal bike sprint

10 Air Squats

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – BB, wall, barbell,

30 plank shoulder taps

6 hand release push ups

*grab Barbell

8 Slow Motion Back Squats

10 pvc back rack slow trunk rotations

:20 Front Rack Opener

5 Pause Back Squats

5 SLOW pike push ups

*grab hip Circle


10 Glute Bridges

8/8 Clam Shells

6 Air Squats


Every 3 Minutes x 3 Sets

6 Back Squat

*goal is to use same weight as last weeks set of 5 or heavier

*keep :02 pause


5 Sets (19min)


60 Double Unders

12 Front Squat @ 155/105 (185/125)

Max Rep DB Push Press (50s/35s) (Rx+sHSPUs)

2min rest b/t

NOTES All athletes walking 100m during rest period Front Squats need to be unbroken for most rounds. Double Unders should be done no later than :60

MODIFY – 35 Dubs – 640Jumping bar taps – :60 DU practice