Workout of the day
Friday, July 28th 2023
800m run
4:00 machine of choice
2:00 machine + 400m run
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – pull up bar, MB, wall
10 MB cleans
10 MB OH forward lunges, :03 eccentric, fast up
3 Jefferson curls holding MB SLOW
50′ waiter walk with MB side
:30 couch stretch on wall / side
10/10 foot elevated SL glute bridge on wall
10 scap wall slides SLOW
8 kip swings, tight shoulders
8 kip swings, looser shoulders
6 strict pull ups or SLOW ring rows
4 kipping pull ups
EMOM x 12 / alternating
-5-15 TTB
-10 DB Bench Press
NOTES TTB must be 1 unbroken set
For Time
12/9 cal echo
12 Pull ups (Rx+C2B)
right into
30 Power Snatch @ 75/55
30 BF burpees
12min CAP
CASHOUT 50 V-ups
NOTES You need to be aggressive from the start. I would advise breaking for grip fatigue. You should be getting to those burpees with your HR rather high. Pull-Ups should be 1-2 Sets.
SCALING PU – decrease reps OR Jumping strict PU