Workout of the day
Friday, June 2nd 2023
800m run
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – PU bar, rings, barbell
25′ walk on heels
25′ walk on insides of feet
:20 dead hang
:20 chin up dead hang
10 ring rows w/ supinated grip
5/5 single arm ring rows, :03 pause at top
:30 turn back stretch / side
:30 calf stretch / side
:45 butterfly stretch, back supported by wall/rig
*grab barbell
5 x 1 1/2 back squats
5 x 1 1/2 front squats
5 clean pulls, 1st pull only
5 clean pulls, 2nd pull only
5 clean pulls
5 high hang jump and catch
PRIMER – barbell
5 segmented power cleans, catch lower each rep.
Last one right at parallel
5 broad jump
E :30 x 8 = 4min
1 Segmented Power Clean :02 pause
just above knee @76-86%
Then –
Build to heavy Power Clean
For Time
3 Sets
3 Power Cleans @ 165/115 – TnG unbroken across
8 Strict Pull-Ups (Rx+BMUs)
3 Power Cleans
8 Pogo Lateral Burpees
3 Power Cleans
Max Cal Row in remaining time
:90 rest b/t sets
STIMULUS Power cleans must be TnG and UB across, modify weight if needed. TnG is going to slow down transitions and thats OK. Likely the hardest workout of the week. Expect top athletes to have under a minute on machine in later rounds.
SCALING modify weight needed to go TnG